This article describes the main page of Techship Desktop client page.

Techship Desktop client is broken into several sections - 

  • Search Field
  • Message Panel
  • Order Details
  • Ship-To Address
  • Cartons Panel

We will explain each of these fields in details - 

Search Field

This field is intended to be used with a keyboard or scanner.  When opening the application this field received focus (cursor is on this field).  This means that when a scanner is used, a user can start scanning without needed to reposition to the cursor.  The value that will be scanned into this field will be determined by the way the portal has been configured.

In most cases, this field will be used to scan cartons but it could also be used to scan shipments or orders.

Message Panel

The message panel will display an error message is for some reason we are not able to process a shipment.  Common reasons for not being able to process a shipment would be invalid address, unsupported service or the customer profile not being setup.  Set up of customer profile happens on the web portal.

Order Details

This portion of the screen is used to provide information on the details of the order.

Ship-To Address

By default this section is read-only but when there is an error related to an address this field will become editable. 

Cartons Panel

This section will show the details of the cartons processed.  If the portal is configured to process single cartons at a time this panel will always contain a single carton. For supported WMS configurations, the carton ID appears as the Tracking Number before processing.