To be able to use Rate Shopping processing your orders with techSHIP Desktop Client you can process the orders as usual, but after handling the following requirements:
WARNING: Rate Shopping is currently NOT compatible with Dangerous Goods shipping.
WARNING: Note that when 3rd Party Billing is used, Carriers typically DO NOT return shipping charges (returning 0), nullifying Rate Shopping capabilities under that payment type (e.g. UPS, FedEx). Nevertheless, there are exceptions such as DHL which does return them. Verify carrier capabilities according to the business scenarios you need to cover.
1. The orders either:
- Must have a Rate Shopping Code assigned in the WMS and it was set up by Techdinamics support in your portal; if this is the case, set step 2 from below and ignore step 3
- Must NOT have a carrier assigned in the WMS; if this is the case, set step 2 AND 3 below properly
2. The billing accounts for that Client used for rate Shopping must be enabled for Rate Shopping
3. The "Import Empty Carrier as Rate Shopping" option must be checked for that Client
If the rest of the order's information is correct, you will be able to process the order.