When setting up the billing accounts for your clients, you might need to set Return Labels for them.
This setup applies to that specific billing account and client, so if other clients need the same setup for those billing accounts, you will have to set them up for each case.
The requirement to print return labels is typically one of two:
- A return label needs to be printed on-demand
- Every order printed needs a return label printed as well
This article covers both of them separately.
When an item needs to be returned, it could be necessary to provide a return label to that specific consignee and for a specific order. The steps below describe the process to do so.
WARNING: If you will generate UPS Mail Innovations Return Labels, additional setting must be configured as detailed in Additional configuration for Return Labels through UPS Mail Innovations (MI) [Information].
1. Select Orders History from the Orders dropdown
2. Select/fill up the filters that apply to the case to find the order and press the magnifying glass
- Status (Unprocessed, OK, Error, Processing, Cancelling, Failing, Warning, Estimating, or All)
- Pick Order #
- Tracking #
- Manifest #
3. Press the Create Return button
4. Select the Carrier and Service Code for the return
techSHIP will generate a new batch for the returned order.
5. Process and Print the new batch
There are scenarios where it is necessary a return label for EVERY shipment processed.
WARNING: This will increase shipping costs significantly, since besides being charged for the Shipping label, the payor account will pay for the Return Label as well unless configured otherwise (for carriers that support it).
Review the video and instructions below.
1. Access Clients under the Maintenance dropdown
2. Click on the Client for which you wish to set up the return labels
3. Edit the Billing Account (Carrier) to which you wish to set up the return labels
4. Select the Carrier Options tab
5. Check the Return Labels checkbox (if not supported by the carrier it won't be shown)
6. (Required and different for some carriers) Fill up the additional fields required by the carrier
7. Press Save to commit the changes