When tracking previously or currently handled, processed or cancelled orders, you might need to access them in a quick, easy and simple way.
Through the Orders History section, you will be able to filter them by current status and several references, skipping you the task of looking them up manually or by batch.
Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:
To do so:
1. Select Orders History from the Orders dropdown
2. Select/fill up the filters that apply to the case
- Status (Unprocessed, OK, Error, Processing, Cancelling, Failing, Warning, Estimating, or All)
- Pick Order #
- Tracking #
- Manifest #
3. Press the magnifying glass of any of the fields you're using to request the orders that match with the criteria.
NOTE: Once you have found the order(s) in question, you can click the order's Batch # to access the batch that contains it and operate with it as needed.