Regardless if you are shipping with your account, on behalf or billing a third party, if you want to push the freight charges to your WMS, you must set that up in your Clients' profiles.

If you see the markup information in techShip but not in your WMS after manifesting, you might have forgotten to activate the feature that updates the freight as well, since this is not activated by default.

To set up the behavior to update your WMS info including the charges you will have to:

NOTE: This settings have to be applied per client and per billing account, if you need the same setting for all, you will have to do it for each client and billing account. 

1. Access Clients under the Maintenance dropdown

2. Select the Client that applies to the case

3. Edit the Billing Account of that client that applies to the case

4. In the General Options tab, mark the fields as it applies to the case:

  • Close orders in WMS: If checked, it updates the tracking, service, weight and dimensions information into the WMS, closing the orders automatically

  • Update orders in WMS: If checked, it updates the tracking, service, weight and dimensions information into the WMS, without closing the orders automatically

  • Update freight in WMS: If checked, it also updates the freight information together with Close or Update as mentioned before

5. Press Save to apply the changes