When setting up Retailers in 3PL Central and associating those to your orders, you might want techShip to automate the import into a specific Billing Account profile under a Client.
WARNING: Do not use the same Routing Group value for two different accounts under the same Client profile. If you do so, the system will use the first one in order of listing.

That is possible by linking the Retailer by Retailer ID in 3PL Central to the Routing Group field in techShip.
The procedure to do so is detailed here: How to use Routing Group to set up Retailers [Step-by-Step guide]
There is an additional control for 3PL Central integrations only, called Ignore missing routing.
Once checked, if you are missing the retailer ID on 3PL Central's side, techShip suppresses the error and uses the default routing if no match was found; if not enabled, it will show the missing routing key error.