When processing orders, you might want to verify the addresses you're shipping the orders to for different reasons.
WARNING: Residential validation is provided by UPS for US addresses only. Canadian orders will fail when trying to get validated for Residential addresses.
WARNING: Address validation for UPS applies when orders are processed, NOT when estimated.
WARNING: If Time in transit is enabled when estimating/rate shopping, City and Postal Code are validated, if Time in transit is disabled, these are not validated.

- Multifunctional buildings (both residential and commercial)
- Repurposed buildings (e.g. a house turned into a business or viceversa)
- Buildings/addresses unknown by UPS upon time of delivery/first delivery (to later be classified as one or the other)
- Database with geodata could be mistaken
Having considered those details, these are the possible options to choose from:
The details are as follows:
- No validation: The addresses are not validated at all
- Basic validation:
- Validates city/zip/province/country are correct
- Does not validate if the address is residential
- Does not validate if the address is in the UPS database, if it's not, it does not error out
- Residential check and basic validation:
- Validates city/zip/province/country are correct
- If UPS indicates the address is residential, the Residential Flag is applied;
- If UPS indicates the address is not residential, the shipment will be processed without residential flag
- Does not validate if the address is in the UPS database, if it's not, it does not error out
- Residential check and street validation:
- Validates city/zip/province/country are correct
- If UPS indicates the address is residential, the Residential Flag is applied;
- If UPS indicates the address is not residential, the shipment will be processed without residential flag
- Does validate if the address is in the UPS database, if it's not, it errors out
- Street validation without residential check:
- Validates city/zip/province/country are correct
- Does not validate if the address is residential
- Does validate if the address is in the UPS database, if it's not, it errors out
- Handle Unclassified as residential: If UPS address validation returns Unknown, techSHIP will handle it as residential
NOTE: This last feature is supported for UPS REST connections only
WARNING: Techdinamics does not run a proprietary address validation system. Street and Residential validation results are subject to UPS's database. Any discrepancies, outdated information complaints and claims are to be filed and requested to UPS directly.