When setting up a UPS account, you might need will have UPS send notification e-mails to recipients.

This article is supplementary to the regular setup detailed in the UPS Billing Account Setup article and it considers that the account has already been created and set up, at least for domestic shipping. 

NOTE: The notification e-mails are not sent by techShip, they are sent by UPS.

NOTE: The e-mails are sent when the order is processed.

Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:

To configure Export and Customs you will have to:

1. Access Clients under the Maintenance menu

2. Click on the client related to the order

3. Edit the Billing Account (Carrier) related to the order and error

4. Select the Carrier Options tab

5. Check the Notify recipient by e-mail checkbox

6. Press Save to apply the changes

If the order has an e-mail address as part of the ship-to information, and it is correct, you will be able to Process or Process and Print, and the e-mail will be sent after you successfully process.