When onboarding/adding a new Amazon account the following information needs to be provided and verified:


- Access API Key

- Access API Secret (password)

- Client ID (typically formatted as amzn1.application-oa2-client.CLIENT NUMBER or similar)

- Client ID Secret (password)

- Refresh token

- Role ARN (optional)

NOTE: The Role ARN is required if it was used when generating the Token. If it was not used or there is no Role ARN on Amazon's end, this field can be left empty. When a user is created under an Amazon profile, it can be created directly under the account (this method is valid), or as a third party trying to access as an iam user. This latter (Third Party accessing) or test connections will not works.

- Induction Address


1) The information has been provided by an Amazon representative or fully pulled out of the Amazon Web Services portal

2) This Amazon connection requires you use the Amazon Item Sequence Number and the Amazon Buyer Product Identifier as Label References. Set these fields as Reference 1 and Reference 2 as indicated in the linked article below. If these fields have not been mapped in your techSHIP portal, reach techSHIP support to request so, together with the Purchase Order field of the Amazon Vendor Fulfillment Integration

WARNING: This carrier is NOT suitable for Rate Shopping against other carriers, since it doesn't provide cost estimates.

WARNING: Amazon does not allow to select a service code. Amazon will determine which carrier and service will be used for each order as these are processed.

WARNING: Orders through this connection need to be shipped within the day they were processed on.

WARNING: Any missing or non-validated, incorrect setup or information will delay the setup process.

Once you have verified that information, proceed to Phase 2: Setting up the Baseline Carrier Connection:

How to set up a Amazon Direct Fulfillment Baseline account [Step-by-Step guide]