When setting up advanced restrictions, you might need to set up restrictions based on Delivery Days (transit) or Delivery Date contained in the order.

NOTE: This feature is available for techSHIP Plus/Enterprise portals only, and for carriers that support it (that report estimated dates). It is not enabled by default, if you don't have it available, reach techSHIP support with a request to do so.

NOTE: The values for Day of the Week are from 0 to 6 with Sunday being 0, as described here.

WARNING: Note that delivery days are estimated and provided by the carrier (not calculated by techSHIP 

The different levels of complexity could include:

  • Consider service levels that deliver in less, more, between or a specific amount of days in transit
  • Consider service levels that deliver in less, more, between or a specific date
  • A combination of both

If you are going to use just one value as part of the condition, use the Equals or Not Equals operator.

If you are going to use more than one value, use the Greater (and equal) Than or Less (and equal) Than accordingly.

WARNING: If there are services you want to include/exclude regardless of the conditions, you will need to add them to the list with the condition set to Always.
- If the Mode is "Allow orders" these services will be used (Build a list of inclusions)
- If the Mode is "Deny orders" these services will NOT be used (Build a list of exclusions) 

These are a few possible scenarios:

#1 - Rate shop Ground, Saver and Express services, as long as they deliver in 4, 3 and 2 days as maximum respectively