When creating OMR rules, you might have many clients which can make use of the same set of rules.

OMR rules can conveniently be defined under one client, exported, and imported under another, allowing you you port them in an fast and easy way.

This article covers the process from end to end, yet once you have exported your rules, you can repeat the import part of the process only for all the target clients.

Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:

To export and import Order Management Rules you will have to:


1. Access Clients under the Maintenance menu 

2. Click on the Client from which you will Export the rules

3. Select the OMR tab

4. Click the Download Rules button; this will download a file, completing the Export process


5. Click on the Client to which you will Import the rules

6. Select the OMR tab

7. Click Choose File, select the downloaded file from Step 4, and press Import Orders; you can optionally check Replace Rules to substitute previously created rules as you import

8. Confirm the action by pressing OK in the pop-up

Once completed, you will see the rules in the OMR list.