When shipping international orders via FedEx and you choose to use Electronic Trade Documents (instead of physically printing customs and trade documents), you need to upload the header and signature images to be properly handled and used by FedEx's system.

This process consists in 2 parts:

  • Firstly, uploading the images you will use (700x50 pixels, PNG format), which will be saved in your techSHIP portal for further usage
  • Lastly, assigning the images to the header and signature of the account you will use to ship properly

This article describes both processes separately. These might need to be repeated as many times as needed to cover all the images and accounts you will use.


1. Click Plugins

2. Select Fedex Upload Image

3. Select the Account for which you will upload the signature image

4. Select the Image slot (1 to 5)

5. Click Choose File, navigate and select the file

6. Press Upload Image to complete the process


1. Access Clients under the Maintenance menu

2. Click on the client related to the order

3. Edit the Billing Account you will use for International Shipping

4. Select the Carrier Options tab

5. Select the Image ID you will use according to how and what you uploaded in the previous process for the Header and the Signature from the dropdowns (Enable ETD Images must be ON)

6. Press Save to apply the changes