When creating OMR rules, you can set these up individually, by Client as described here, but you can also set up OMR Rules that apply to all the clients in the portal, or a specific group of clients, yet defined at the portal level.
This article describes the process to create rules that affect the portal globally.
Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:
To do so, you will have to:
1. Access Rule Sets under the Maintenance menu
2. Click Add
3. Complete the Name field with the name you want to identify your Rule Set with
4. Click Save to create the base to begin defining the Rule Set
5. Click the name of your new Rule Set
6. Define the elements in the General tab:
- Name: Edit if necessary
- Priority: Indicates the order in which the ruleset will apply compared to others (1 will execute first)
- Disabled: Rule Sets are Enabled by default, check to disable if needed (ideal while configuring to then enable them once ready for production)
- Client Codes: If empty, it applies to all Clients, if defined (comma separated values) the rules will apply for the Client(s) you indicate here as long as the value matches with Client Codes

7. Press Save to apply the changes
8. Switch to the OMR tab to begin defining your rules
9. Add your OMR Rules either individually or import them from a current Client or another Portal:
- Add them one by one: Follow the instructions from step 4 forward from the article Order Management Rules (OMR) [Step-by-Step Guide] as many times as rules you need to define
- Add them by importing: Follow the instructions from step 1 of the export process and step 7 forward from the import process of the article How to Export and Import OMR rules [Step-by-step guide]
Once completed, you will see the Rules in the OMR list, and the Rule Set as global rules.