When onboarding/adding a new RF Pathways portal the following information needs to be provided and verified:


- RF Pathways Service URL

- RF Pathways Username

- RF Pathways Password

- RF Pathways Weight UOM (select LBS or KG)

- Throttle options:

  • Throttle Limit (concurrent requests per seconds): Should be set depending on the import order volume (if not sure, consult with the development team)
  • Throttle Period (Seconds): Should be set to know within how many seconds (time frame) the maximum concurrent requests should be handled (if not sure, consult with the development team)

    E.g. If the Throttle Limit is 30 and the Throttle Period in seconds is 5, customers can import up to 30 orders at the same time within the timeframe of 5 seconds.

WARNING: Any missing or non-validated, incorrect setup or information will delay the setup process.