When interacting with techOMS via API there are tools, documentation and good practices that will help you do it in the easiest way possible.

These are the elements detailed in this article:

  • Swagger documentation to access API methods
  • Receive API keys from Techdinamics
  • Test API calls

Follow the guide and bookmark the documentation as you find it convenient.


The Swagger documentation details the methods, parameters and values you need to interact with techOMS to perform actions on Orders, Products, Receipts, Shipments and Inventory. 

Access and bookmark the following link: https://techoms.io/swagger/index.html?urls.primaryName=v2

As you become familiar with the techOMS API, you will have to consult it frequently.

The documentation is divided in the following sections:

  • Authorize: Details the Authentication methods

  • Inbound Orders: Details who to get, create and cancel Inbound Orders

  • Inventory Levels: Details how to get, delete and set Inventory Levels

  • Orders: Details how to get, create, cancel and fulfill Orders
  • Products: Details how to get, update create and check Products
  • Product Variants: Details how to get and create Product Variants
  • Receipts: Details how to get, update and cancel Receipts
  • Shipments: Details how to get, fulfill and cancel Shipments
  • Models: Details the available objects

For each method, you will find:

A) Method definition and description

B) Parameters mode

  • Example value: Displays an example of how the parameters should be completed
  • Model: Displays the object contents, parameters, data types, max/min length and values when applicable 

C) Details clarifies values and codes of a parameter whenever applicable

D) Try it out: Enables the quick test mode, opening the fields to be completed and an Execute button to execute the method test with the parameters you provided:


To be able to interact with the API, you will need your techOMS Vendor or Warehouse API Key.

Each Vendor or Warehouse has its own key, you will need a different set of keys for each one.

Reach your Techdinamics POC(s) requesting the key(s) and detailing for which Vendor(s) or Warehouse(s) you need them, and these will be sent to you via a secure link (1Password).

The API information (API Key) will be used in the next section in the context of this article to test your connection.


Once you have familiarized yourself with the API, the next step is to test it.

This section details how to use the Try It Out module to test a few interactions.

Based on the requirements provided, your assigned Integrator can provide you with a request body based on your project's particular needs.

Otherwise, if you try a method that doesn't require so, you can directly use the module.


Before interacting with the API to post your request, verify your Credentials are ready to be used.

To do so:

1) Press Authorize to begin the Swagger authentication process

2) Enter your techOMS API Key as provided by the Integrator

3) Press Authorize

NOTE: This particular step is provided for testing purposes. To authenticate in production mode, the basic authentication, where you'll need to use your Credentials, has to be completed as a part of the method header.


Use the Try It Out section with the payload you created or which was provided by the Integrator. 

Note to:

1) Complete the Parameters/Body accordingly

2) Select the Parameter Content Type according to the type of requestBody you will use

3) Press Execute to send the request

4) Review the response result