Setting up Carriers in your techSHIP Portal allows you to create connections and add Baseline Accounts, to then, at the Client level, add Billing Accounts. 

This article describes how to add the Carrier, and in order to begin the process of checking the Carrier Requirements, Baseline setup, and Billing Account setup, it will remind you where and how the setup can be completed from end to end.

WARNING: Adding a Carrier will enable automatic billing to your account. Be attentive when setting them up. 

Feel free to follow the video guide or the step-by-step process detailed below:

To set them up, you will have to:

1. Access Carriers under the Maintenance dropdown

2. Click Add in the Carrier List

3. Name the Carrier the way you will display it in the Portal

4. Select the Carrier from the dropdown list; make sure you check the features in the list, and keep the setup links at hand, you might consider opening them in separate tabs in preparation for a full setup

5. Click Add to effectively add the Carrier to the Portal

6. If you prefer, enter your PO Number for the transaction as indicated by your Techdinamics Sales Representative for tracing purposes

7. Check the authorization confirmation checkbox, to confirm you are responsible for the request and

8. Press Purchase to complete the process

After doing so, follow the steps of the Requirements and setup articles listed.