When processing UPS orders, you might come across a UPS glitch where even though you are not using Signature Required, UPS still indicates it is.

When it comes to techSHIP, our recommendation is that you run a set of checks before reaching UPS, to make sure you do not have flags, controls or configurations turning the option on:

  • Check OMR rules: You could have OMR rules turning the Signature flag on, review if you have any and disable or change conditions accordingly

  • Check the Billing Account setup: You could have options or set up rules turning the Signature flag on; verify that in General Options the Signature Required control is Disabled, and in the Carrier Options section, any Signature or Proof of Age settings is Disabled as well

  • Check the Order Level: Make sure your order doesn't have the flags turned on either manually, or coming from a mapping in the WMS; If so, turn them off and Save

After going through the checklist, if the issue still persists, the problem could be on the carrier side, for which you will have to get in contact with a UPS representative.