Using Lettermail through a regular Canada Post account is not possible, since while Small Parcels are supported, Lettermail is not via API.
Nevertheless, it is possible to generate the indicia separately, to then use together with any other printables that you might generate through techSHIP.
The steps are detailed below:
- Download an indicia template – whether regular or customized.
- Print the indicia directly onto your mail items or onto labels. The indicia must include your Canada Post business customer number.
- Prepare your mail order (Statement of Mailing) using EST online .
- If you’re a Solutions for Small Business™ customer, you’ll be asked to pay for your mailing by credit card. If you have a commercial business account with billing privileges, you can choose to be invoiced.
- Bring the mailing and a copy of your order to an approved deposit location (items with indicia can’t be sent using street letter boxes).