If you need to split orders under a single Manifest ID into others, you can use the API method SplitManifest to do so.

WARNING: This feature is currently ONLY supported for USPS through eHub

First of all, it is necessary for you to familiarize yourself with the techSHIP API.

If you're not, review the Getting started using techSHIP API [Information] guide first.

Once familiarized, you will need to target the Split Manifest method, as indicated here:

This method includes the following parameters:

  • Split and Finalize: Boolean, determines if the manifest should be split and also finalized if true
  • Pars Number: Allows to provide a PARS number, can be empty
  • Tracking Numbers: Collection of tracking numbers to add to the new split, properly using "" to wrap the value, and comma separated values for each
  • Sync: Indicates if sync must take place or not, with true or false
  • Carrier Code: Complete with the matching Carrier Code in techSHIP for the carrier you're splitting manifest

So, for example, if the Carrier Code was EHUB, we won't use a PARS number, and these two are the trackings we will split:



The API Request should be defined as:


  "SplitAndFinalize": true,

  "ParsNumber": "",

  "TrackingNumbers": [


  "Sync": true,

  "CarrierCode": "EHUB"


Adapt the API Request as needed according to your needs, following the guidelines from the Getting Started guide and the Split Manifest method.