In a similar fashion and as an extension of the content referencing within Order data, the BillingAccountClient object nests the variables visible at the Billing Account UI level.
The syntax is:
@(child([BillingAccountClient],'Attribute to target'))
For example, to obtain the value in the Fee Markup Percent, you will have to define:
Note that for some Carriers, there could be dedicated fields while others could use generic fields (especially with Billing information), so, while for a carrier using the generic account field you would use:
For UPS you will use this, since it has a dedicated field:

The available list, not limited to these specific field is the following:
- SenderName
- SenderCompany
- ServiceCode
- OverrideWmsServiceCode
- ContactPhone
- ContactEmail
- ContactFirstName
- ContactLastName
- ClientId
- BillingAccountId
- Name
- Reference1
- Reference2
- Reference3
- Reference4
- Reference5
- AutoTruncateReferences
- PackageReference1
- PackageReference2
- IncludePackingSlips
- UseMergedOrderPackingSlip
- MergeLabelAndPackingSlips
- PackingSlipTemplate
- CloseOrdersInWms
- UpdateOrdersInWms
- UpdateFreightInWms
- DoNotUpdateCarrierInWms
- MarkupProfileId
- FeeMarkupFixed
- FeeMarkupPercent
- FeeMarkupIncludeTaxForCalculation
- ForceMarkup
- OverrideWmsUpdateTime
- EnableRateShopping
- RateShoppingIncludeMarkupFee
- ReasonForExport
- IsDutiable
- NonDeliveryHandling
- Product
- PackageDescription
- WmsUpdateStart
- WmsUpdateEnd
- CurrencyCode
- CollectOnDeliveryCurrencyCode
- ProvinceOfOrigin
- PackageType
- PackingSlipName
- PackingSlipAddress1
- PackingSlipAddress2
- PackingSlipAddress3
- PackingSlipAddress4
- PackingSlipAddress5
- PackingSlipAddress6
- PackingSlipNotes
- RoutingGroup
- OverrideSenderAddress
- SenderAddress1
- SenderAddress2
- SenderAddress3
- SenderCity
- SenderState
- SenderZip
- SenderZip5
- SenderZip4
- SenderCountry
- SenderContactName
- OverrideBillingAddress
- BillingAddress1
- BillingAddress2
- BillingAddress3
- BillingCity
- BillingState
- BillingZip
- BillingCountry
- BillingName
- BillingCompany
- BillingEmail
- BillingPhone
- RouteCode
- Residential
- SignatureRequired
- AdultSignatureRequired
- HoldForPickup
- DimensionsRequired
- ProofOfAge18
- ProofOfAge19
- ProofOfAge
- PrintReturnLabels
- ReturnServiceCode
- OverrideReturnAddress
- ReturnName
- ReturnCompany
- ReturnAddress1
- ReturnAddress2
- ReturnAddress3
- ReturnCity
- ReturnContactPhone
- ReturnContactEmail
- ReturnState
- ReturnZip
- ReturnCountry
- OverrideShipperAddress
- ShipperName
- ShipperCompany
- ShipperAddress1
- ShipperAddress2
- ShipperAddress3
- ShipperCity
- ShipperContactPhone
- ShipperContactEmail
- ShipperState
- ShipperZip
- ShipperCountry
- OverrideImporterAddress
- ImporterAddressMode
- ImporterName
- ImporterCompany
- ImporterEmail
- ImporterPhone
- ImporterAddress1
- ImporterAddress2
- ImporterAddress3
- ImporterCity
- ImporterState
- ImporterZip
- ImporterAccountNumber
- ImporterCountry
- ShipperAccountNumber
- CostCentre
- Docket
- ClientNumber
- CarrierFacility
- ClientFacility
- BillingAccountNumber
- BillingPostalCode
- BillingCountryCode
- DutiesPaidByAccountNumber
- DutiesPaidByPostalCode
- DutiesPaidByCountryCode
- DutiesPaidBy
- DutiesBusinessRelationship
- ShippingPaidByAccountNumber
- PaymentType
- IntegrationSenderCode
- IntegrationReceiverCode
- IntegrationStoredOrder
- PostingLocation
- PickupLocation
- PickupLocationType
- CalculateDeclaredValueFromLines
- DefaultForMissingLinePricesForDomestic
- IgnoreWmsHarmonizedCodes
- IsRemoved
- SkipRateshoppingFailures
- GS1CompanyPrefix
- ApplicationIdentifier
- ExtensionDigit
- AllowSsccSerialTruncation
- PrintMH10Labels
- PrintPalletLabels
- PalletGS1CompanyPrefix
- PalletApplicationIdentifier
- LastPalletSerialNumber
- PalletExtensionDigit
- CalculateConsolidatedCounts
- RoundSmallTo1Lb
- Default
- AddressValidation
- TermsOfTrade
- CustomCommercialInvoiceReasonForExport
- EnableCustomCommercialInvoice
- PrintPaperCommercialInvoice
- CustomCommercialInvoiceCurrencyCode
- OrderInstructions
- DutiesAndTaxesPrepaid
- AdvancedRuleMode
- ApplyRulesForExplicitService
- ReformatAddressLines
- RateShoppingServiceFilterMode
- RuleMode
- LocatePickupOffice
- LocatePickupOfficeDistance
- NotifyRecipientByEmail
- ProactiveNotification
- NotifyRecipientByPhone
- PackingSlipId
- SecondaryPackingSlipId
- TertiaryPackingSlipId
- AllowRedirection
- UpsSkipTradeDocuments
- VisibilityToken
- TrackingNumberMode
- OrderValidationMode
- ElectronicTradeDocuments
- DefaultThirdPartyPostalAndCountry
- SubstituteShipToPhone
- ReformatShipToPhone
- ShipToPhoneSubstitution
- DenyPOBoxes
- ResidentialAddressRestriction
- PayorAccountNumber
- MoboCustomerNumber
- UpsAccountNumber
- UpsBillReceiverAccountNumber
- UpsBillThirdPartyAccountNumber
- AncillaryEndorsement
- InductionPointId
- BillConsignee
- Alcohol
- Batteries
- BatteryMaterialType
- BatteryPackingType
- BatteryRegulatorySubType
- B13AFilingOptionType
- B13APermitNumber
- InductionPoint
- MerchantId
- DhlService
- DhlServiceEndorsement
- DutiesPaid
- DhlMetroPackageType
- DhlCaptureImage
- DhlSendSms
- DhlNeedsLabel
- DhlValidateAddress
- DhlValidatePrice
- AgeVerificationOverride
- ShipperRelease
- FreightPricing
- PackingSlipAddresses
- Client
- BillingAccount
- PackingSlip
- SellerId
- MwsAuthToken
- CarrierWillPickup
- LastSerialNumber
- ShipperPaymentType
- DutyPaymentType
- DutyAccountNumber
- ShipperId
- RegisteredAccountNumber
- PackageTypeCode
- DhlSkipTradeDocuments
- DhlPaperlessTrade
- QuickShipLabels
- PaidByCustomer
- IntendedMethodOfPayment
- ContractId
- ShowPackingInstructions
- ShowPostageRate
- ShowInsuredValue
- CifShipment
- IsDicomBroker
- DefaultDeliveryOptions
- ManifestLevel
- PayorCountry
- ReturnPaymentType
- ReturnPayorAccountNumber
- ReturnPayorCountry
- DutiesPaymentType
- DutiesPayorAccountNumber
- DutiesPayorCountry
- SmartPostIndiciaType
- SmartPostAncillaryEndorsement
- SmartPostAncillaryEndorsementPresortedStandard
- FedexElectronicTradeDocuments
- FedexAddressValidation
- FedexDangerousGoodsRegulation
- FedexOneRate
- FedexAlcoholLabelOption
- FedexAlcoholRecipientType
- FedExAutoGroundHomeServiceUpdate
- CollectPrepaid
- CollectAccountNumber
- NationexPickupAccountId
- NationexHideExpName
- NationexEmailConsigneeNotification
- NationexSMSConsigneeNotification
- NationexWeightMode
- OnTracPackageType
- PigeonCouponId1
- PigeonCouponId
- PigeonAllowAddressAutoCorrection
- SenderTaxNumber
- CodName
- CodStreetNumber
- CodStreet
- CodAddress2
- CodAddress3
- CodCity
- CodState
- CodZip
- CodCountry
- ReturnStreetNumber
- ReturnStreet
- BillToAccount
- ShipCaddieAddressValidation
- ShipCaddieReturnProperty
- ShipCaddieCODTYpe
- ShipCaddieShipmentContentType
- ShipCaddieShippingPaidBy
- ShipCaddieDutiesPaidBy
- ShipCaddieCarrierNickname
- PrintMemo
- PrintInstructions
- NonDelivery
- ReturnLabelExpDays
- StampsAddressValidation
- BillCountryCode
- BillPostal
- ReturnUpsAccountNumber
- ReturnUpsBillReceiverAccountNumber
- ReturnUpsBillThirdPartyAccountNumber
- ReturnBillCountryCode
- ReturnBillPostal
- UspsEndorsement
- CostCenter
- Packaging
- NotificationCode
- Phone
- AttentionName
- UpsMergeMICN22
- RateShopSurePost
- RateShopMailInnovations
- UpsHazMatCommodityRegulatedLevel