When importing orders automatically which don’t have the boxes’ information, or setting up your orders manually, you are able to add, delete or assign boxes. 

NOTE: Take into consideration that you can consider any kind of packaging as a box (box, skid, etc)

To ease your burden of typing in the box weight and dimensions manually for every single order, techSHIP allows you to save different Predefined Boxes which you can use as standardized information and apply those to your orders in just a few steps.

Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide or watch the video, as you prefer:

NOTE: The boxes are defined at a client level, meaning that you can create different Predefined Boxes for each one of your clients if necessary. 
For example, if John Doe Foods has two standard boxes (20x20x20 and 30x30x30) but Jane Doe Fashion Apparel has two as well but with different dimensions (10x10x10 and 20x20x20) you can set them up separately by client.

To create a Predefined Box for a client you will have to:

1. Select the Clients option under the Maintenance Dropdown

2. Click on the client for which you wish to create the Predefined Box

3. Select the Boxes tab

4. Click the Add Box button

5. Define the Name of the box and the volume, width, height, length and weight as required

6. (Optional) Add packaging materials as SKUs if needed (e.g. promotional material, ice packs, etc.); these will be included automatically whenever the box is selected, regardless of any other SKU's that might come as part of the order when it's imported

WARNING: This optional feature is supported for Excel file imports only. 

 7. Press Save to confirm

NOTE: The merge fields are supported for the RF Pathways WMS system only and controls how the box selected by volume in merge mode
If you don't use RF Pathways you can set minimum volume as 0 and maximum as 1.  

Once ready, when you import or create orders for that client, your box will be available to be assigned.


If you will use Cartonization as your Carton Import Mode, define the parameters:

  • Minimum volume utilization %: Minimum amount of filled volume to consider the carton as valid for cartonization
  • Merge min weight (LB): Minimum amount of weight to consider the carton as valid for cartonization 
  • Merge max weight (LB): Maximum amount of weight to consider the carton as valid for cartonization