Boxes and Packaging - Guides and Solutions

Guides on boxes and packaging management and solutions to common issues

How to edit boxes' dimensions [Step-by-step guide]
In some cases, you may be required to change the dimensions of you orders’ boxes. You can input the dimensions manually if necessary. NOTE: It is very ...
Tue, 29 Dec, 2020 at 1:16 PM
Validate 3PL Packaging
The option "Validate 3PL Packaging" will validate if orders are properly packaged in 3PL before printing labels. Please see the attached screensho...
Fri, 4 Jan, 2019 at 6:27 PM
How to avoid getting charged by Estimated Weight or Dimensions [Step-by-Step guide]
If dimensions are missing in a shipment and weight is present, some carriers might allow so and charge estimations, potentially leading to overcharges if co...
Thu, 11 Jul, 2024 at 1:01 PM
How to add Predefined Box types to a Client [Step-by-step guide]
When importing orders automatically which don’t have the boxes’ information, or setting up your orders manually, you are able to add, delete or assign boxes...
Thu, 18 Jan, 2024 at 11:08 AM
How to set and map Custom boxes (Package Type Mappings) [Step-by-Step guide]
When setting up a Billing Account for a Client, you might need to use different types of packages instead of a fixed one. This feature requires tha...
Wed, 15 May, 2019 at 10:30 AM
How to set up and use Banded Boxes [Step-by-Step guide]
When handling orders at the packing line, you might want to band boxes together. Banding consists on stacking boxes, adding the height and weight, and keep...
Mon, 29 Nov, 2021 at 3:06 PM
How to download Predefined Boxes barcodes [Step-by-step guide]
When using predefined boxes, it might be convenient to have the barcodes at the packing line, instead of typing dimensions or selecting the box from the dro...
Wed, 30 Nov, 2022 at 1:48 PM