When processing an order, you might come across the "Operation returned an invalid status code 'InternalServerError'
{"status":"error","error_code":"shipment.ship_errors","error_message":"Ship errors: {:code=\u003e\"1021145\", :error=\u003e\"Sender phoneNumber Required Express mail requires the sender phone number.\"}”}" error.
This error relates to an incomplete Billing Account setup at the Client level.
Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:
To solve this issue you will have to:
- Access Clients under the Maintenance menu
- Click on the client related to the order
- Edit the Billing Account (Carrier) related to the order and error
- Select the Carrier Options tab
- Verify that the information entered in the Paid by Customer # and Contract ID fields match with your registration information with the carrier
- Press Save to apply the changes
Once ready, if the rest of the information in the order is correct, you will be able to Process or Process & Print.