When processing orders you might come across the "7037 Harmonized code is missing or invalid for commodity #; estimated duties and taxes were not returned" error. This error is shown when an invalid harmonized code is used in the order.

To solve both issues, please note the solution for the 6003 error in this article.
To find a solution to this issue you can do several things:
SOLUTION #1 - Verify and correct the harmonized code
1. Use the webpage https://www.fedex.com/HSL to determine valid values for Harmonized codes and use values from Fedex HSL page
2. Edit the order (you can reach it as described here) and change the Harmonized codes (instead of the dimensions)
3. Save to apply the changes and reprocess
SOLUTION #2 - Remove the harmonized codes
Since harmonized codes are optional, you can remove them from the order in the WMS. If you opt for this option, delete the batch and reimport it after doing the changes in the WMS.
SOLUTION #3 - Set up techShip to ignore the harmonized codes coming from the WMS
1. Access Clients under the Maintenance menu
2. Click on the client related to the order
3. Edit the Billing Account related to the order and error
4. Select the Carrier Options tab
5. Check the Ignore WMS Harmonized codes checkbox
6. Press Save to apply the changes and reprocess