When processing an order you might come across the "Hard 121211 – The requested accessory option is unavailable between the selected locations" error.

This message is shown when an accessory option (Saturday Delivery, Hazmat, Signature, etc) has been applied to the order, but the chosen service, combined with the origin and destination of the shipment is not compatible or not available.

NOTE: It could also be shown if the Country code used in the Baseline or Billing account if overrode is incorrect. If following the steps below doesn't correct the issue, refer to: Ship to country must be 2-character country ISO 3116 code [Solution] and check the information at the Order, Billing Account and Baseline account level.

Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:

To do so:

1. Find the order through any of the possible ways (after Import Orders, Batches, Order History, etc) as it applies to the case

2. Click the edit button of the order you wish to change

3. Access the Carrier Options tab

4. Disable any accessory options that are not available for the chosen service level and origin/destination combination

5. Press Save to apply the changes

If the rest of the order information is correct you will be able to process it.