When processing orders you might come across the "2015 ERROR Intra-country (domestic) service not supported for that origin/destination country" error.
This error is shown when you use a Service Level which is not supported for your origin, destination or account.
Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:
NOTE: Make sure your order is not processed to be able to edit it. If it’s already processed, you will have to void it first.
To do so:
1. Find the order through any of the possible ways (after Import Orders, Batches, Order History, etc) as it applies to the case
2. Click the edit button of the order you wish to change
3. Access the Carrier Options tab
4. Change the Service code: selecting a new one viable for domestic or international shipments from the dropdown
5. Press Save to apply the changes
Once done, if all the order information is correct, you’ll be able to Process or Process & Print it.