When processing an order, you might run into the "javax.xml.bind.MarshalException - with linked exception: [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 0; columnNumber: 0; cvc-pattern-valid: Value '' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '.{1,50}' for type '#AnonType__neighborhoodShipmentInformation'.]" error.

This error relates to incorrect length of the Address fields of the order you're trying to process.

NOTE: The Estafeta Address fields are mapped atypically due to the field restrictions of the Estafeta API and the length particularities of the address values, usually too lengthy for the restriction limits.

The fields are mapped in techShip as described below:

    - Address1 = first 30 characters of address1
    - Address2 = all other characters after first 30 characters of address1 (API Neighborhood field) 

The length accepted by Estafeta for each field is:

    - Address1 = 1-30 characters
    - Neighborhood = 1-50 characters

Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:

To solve this issue you will have to:

1. Find the order through any of the possible ways (after Import Orders, Batches, Order History, etc) as it applies to the case

2. Click the edit button of the order you wish to change

3. Change the address so that the length is correct 

4. Press Save to apply the changes

If the rest of the information in the order is correct, you will be able to process it.