When processing an order, you might run into the "2208 ERROR The FTR Exemption or AES Citation you provided is not valid for EEI" error.
This is related to the value of your shipment being over $2500 and/or under that value, requiring additional export documentation (EEI forms), or having to declare, information (FTR Exemptions or AES citations) requested by FedEx, as detailed here: https://www.fedex.com/en-us/shipping/electronic-export-information.html
Note that techSHIP will NOT create the declarations automatically, but you will be able to ship the orders.
To solve this issue you will have to:
1. Access the Orders/batch screen for the order that applies to the case through any of the possible menus (after importing the order, searching on Batches screen, etc)
2. Edit the order in question
3. Access the Carrier tab
4. Complete the field with the FTR exemption article number (if your shipment is exempt from export regulation), or AES citation (i.e. AES declaration number, you can file AES from government website)
WARNING: If the order is shipping to Hong Kong, China, Russia, or Venezuela, this value is required regardless of the value.
5. Save to commit the changes on the order and proceed to Process or Process and Print depending on how you handle the processing workflow
To complete the process for orders over $2500 of value (single SKU or added value across different SKUs in the order), you need to create the manifest through the AES government website (when it applies):
WARNING: The process in the CBP website is not handled by Techdinamics Integrations.