When setting up Markups, you can set them up in two different ways:
- Manually on each Billing Account as detailed here: How does the Markup feature work and how is it applied? [Guide]
- Through a Markup Profile, as detailed in this article

Markup Profiles allow you to define preset profiles for Carriers with specific details and conditions per service and considering different variables.
These can be then assigned to different Billing Accounts under different Clients as necessary.
To do so you will have to:
1) Access Maintenance and select Markup Profiles
2) Press Add to begin creating the Profile
3) Set a Name and choose the Carrier to which the Markups will be applied
4) Press Save to add the profile to the list
From this point forward, depending on what your Markup Profile needs to achieve, you might need to define different elements through each respective tab:
- Service Markups: Define markups/markdowns by Service level according to different parameters and conditions; you can define more than one service
- Surcharges Markups: Define different types of surcharges applicable to every order regardless of the service
Each Markup Profile will be Enabled by default, and can be disabled by checking Disabled and pressing Save.
Follow the process and guide yourself through each section below depending on the case.
Markups can be set up for each Service Level. You can have duplicate entries for the same service, as long as the rules do not collide with another one (e.g. a 10% Markup for Ground if the Weight is < 10 Lbs and a 15% Markup for Ground as well if the Weight is >= 10 Lbs).
To set up a Service Markup, you will have to:
1. Switch to the Services tab
2. Click Add Markup Service to define a new markup
3. Configure the parameters and conditions for the Service Markup:
A) Base parameters
- Service Code: Select the Service Code to which you will apply the Markup
- Type: Select if you're setting up a Markup or a Published Rate Discount
NOTE: Not every type is available for every carrier.
- Markup: Regular markup, calculated as:
actual Contract Shipping Charge * percentage markup defined value / 100) + fixed markup - Published Rate Discount: Calculated as % based on published base rate, calculated as:
public Shipping Charge - actual Contract Shipping Charge - (public Shipping Charge * percentage markup defined value / 100) - fixed markup - Published Rate Base Discount: Calculated as % based on gross published rate, calculated as:
public Net Shipping Charge Before Tax - actual Shipping Charge - (public Base Shipping Charge * percent markup defined value / 100) - fixed markup
- Markup: Regular markup, calculated as:
- Alternate Rate Mode: Keep as None if you will use regular rating, or change to Custom Divisor and define your Dimensional Weight divisor for alternate rates
- Start/End date (inclusive): Select from and until when the Markup will be valid; leave empty if it doesn't have a time limit
- Min Weight (exclusive, LB): Indicate the minimum weight condition applicable for the Markup
- Max Weight (inclusive, LB): Indicate the maximum weight condition applicable for the Markup
- Markup %: Markup percentage to apply when conditions are met (applied first)
- Markup $: Fixed value to apply when conditions are met (applied second)
- Minimum Markup $: Minimum applicable markup; if set up and the calculated markup value is below the minimum configured here, this minimum markup will be applied; the formulas based on the type selected will then be modified to:
WARNING: Do not use the Minimum Markup $ feature if you are not sure how the markup type you need to use is calculated.
- Markup
Maximum value from:
actual Contract Shipping Charge * percentage markup defined value / 100) + fixed markup
Minimum Markup $ - Published Rate Discount
Maximum value from:
public Shipping Charge - actual Contract Shipping Charge - (public Shipping Charge * percentage markup defined value / 100) - fixed markup
Minimum Markup $ - Published Rate Base Discount
Maximum value from:
public Net Shipping Charge Before Tax - actual Shipping Charge - (public Base Shipping Charge * percent markup defined value / 100) - fixed markup
Minimum Markup $
- Markup
- Force markup when missing carrier charge: Check to post the markup value even when no rates are returned
- Include Tax into fee markup calculation: Check to add taxes to the fee markup calculation
B) Conditions: Define as many conditions as required by selecting the field from the first dropdown, the operator from the second dropdown, detailing the value and pressing Add to add the condition to the list.
For additional guidance on the fields, operators and values, check Order Management Rules (OMR) [Step-by-Step Guide] or How to configure Published Rate conditions for Markup Profiles [Step-by-Step guide] if you will use Published Rate conditions.
C) Press Save to complete the process
Surcharges can be set up for the Carrier as a whole.
To set up a Surcharge Markup, you will have to:
1. Switch to the Surcharges tab
2. Click Add Markup Surcharge to define a new markup
3. Configure the parameters and conditions for the Surcharge Markup:
A) Base parameters
- Type: Select if you're setting up a Markup or a Published Rate Discount
- Surcharge: Select the type of surcharge you are setting up (Fuel, Accessorial, Carrier, Custom - which enables an additional field to name it)

- Carrier Surcharge Code: Complete with the Carrier Surcharge code accordingly (consult the Carrier's documentation, representative or API trace); this value should match the Carrier's Surcharge Code to properly work
- Carrier Surcharge Description: In the same way as the Surcharge Code, but related to the Description; this value should match the Carrier's Surcharge Description to properly work
Each Carrier operates differently, for example, UPS only uses codes, while FedEx uses both. Complete these fields according to the case scenarios you need to cover.

- Start/End date (inclusive): Select from and until when the Markup will be valid; leave empty if it doesn't have a time limit
- Markup %: Markup percentage to apply when conditions are met (applied first)
- Markup $: Fixed value to apply when conditions are met (applied second)
B) Conditions: Define as many conditions as required by selecting the field from the first dropdown, the operator from the second dropdown, detailing the value and pressing Add to add the condition to the list.
For additional guidance on the fields, operators and values, check Order Management Rules (OMR) [Step-by-Step Guide].
C) Press Save to complete the process
Once ready, you can set the Markup Profile to a Billing Account as follows:
1. Access Clients under the Maintenance dropdown
2. Select the Client which has the Billing Account you will apply the markup to
3. Edit the Billing Account
4. Select the Markup/Surcharge Profile you will apply from the dropdown
5. Press Save to apply the changes