When setting up Clients across more than one Portal, you might have redundant configurations you might need to set up.
This article explains how to copy/clone Client accounts, together with their Billing Account information from one Portal to another.

The following examples clarify that:
- Target Portal A will cause issues when copying the Client, because it's lacking Account B for Carrier B, and Carrier C as a whole
- Target Portal B is clone ready, since the Carriers and Accounts fully match with the Original Portal

Feel free to follow the step-by-step guide written below or the video guide, as you prefer:
To do so you will have to:
1) Access Maintenance and select Clients
2) Click the Client you wish to Copy/Clone
3) Click the Copy button
4) Target the Portal to where you want to copy the Client
5) Press Save to begin the process
WARNING: As detailed in the pop-up, if you have Items configured in the Client, these will not be automatically cloned, you will need to export the items from the Original Client, and import at them at the target Portal and Client.