When shipping orders with Dangerous Goods through techSHIP in combination with DGIS featuresin order to be able to transmit the data and generate the proper labels to ship Dangerous Goods according to the current regulations. TechShip allows such action for the carriers that support it.

WARNING: Before processing Dangerous Goods orders with DGIS, you need to configure your accounts accordingly as detailed in How to set up a DGIS account to use for Dangerous Goods processing [Step-by-Step Guide] and your items should be properly set up for Dangerous Goods reporting and shipping as detailed in How to specify Dangerous Goods shipping and Regulation type [Step-by-Step Guide]

When processing batches for which you will use DGIS you will have to:

1. Import the Order/Batch as detailed in 01 - Importing orders and processing them - [Step-by-step guide] but without processing

2. Under DGIS, select Create DGIS Shipments; this action will require confirmation

3. (OPTIONAL) Under DGIS, select Launch DGIS, which will launch DGIS in case data needs to be corrected

4. Press Process and Print to process and print the Carrier labels for each order or the batch

5. Under DGIS, press Download DGIS documents, to download the DGIS labels and documentation generated related to the processed batch